Toronto WordPress Meetup June 2010

The Toronto WordPress Meetup for June 2010 is tomorrow the 19th at 2:00PM. We are meeting for the third time at Paupers Pub at 539 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 1Y6; and, as I just checked on the Meetup web page we had our 20th RSVP Yes this morning!

I am looking forward to this Meetup. We have two presentation scheduled on the agenda. The first will be a short presentation on custom fields by Alfred Ayache; and, the second will be by Martin Hurford on the template hierarchy.

There is also a remote possibility of a guest (via Montreal) invited with a comment on one of his recent blog posts here.

Remember to use the twitter hash tag #wpto when tweeting about the Meetup.

Thelonious Is In The House

Being a self-professed WordPress junkie I would be remiss in not making the obligatory post regarding the release of WordPress 3.0 … which I saw only a short while ago on the @wpdevel twitter account.

For some additional reading you can follow this link to Matt’s post on the WordPress Blog.

All of the sites I am involved with, or manage, have been successfully updated to this latest version of WordPress.

If you are having any troubles, concerns or issues please contact us at for additional assistance through our premium WordPress Services.

Have you blogged today?

Manna From Heaven

My version, at least tonight, is a Filthy Chai Latte Grande no-water from Starbucks … what’s yours?

It’s really a rather simple drink, although it has taken a few explanations:

  1. You start with a Chai Latte … Grande;
  2. Add two shots (one shot is only Dirty) of espresso;
  3. and, no-water makes it just that much richer and flavorful.

That would be it. Try it yourself sometime … and enjoy both a tea and a coffee at the same time!

Pen To Paper

Well, perhaps better written as fingers to keyboard. I have been struggling with a severe case of writer’s block lately and all of my sites are lacking for attention.

I have decided to get back to basics, which is essentially putting the pen to paper and simply writing. If the next few(?) posts tend to ramble it is just for as long as it takes to get my creative juices flowing again.

Write now … er, right now, I am tapping away on my iPhone just to get things started. It actually can go fairly quick if you just simply keep tapping out your thoughts with little concern for minor typos and punctuation!

Although I will wait to “publish” this until I am able to sit down at my desk later tonight (read: tomorrow afternoon) I will have little concern with editing this post.

Until next time …

Royal Botanical Gardens

This is our first week of vacation in 2010 and like past vacations mostly a restful spur of the moment choice of places to go and things to do. Yesterday we waited for the weather reports to come in then decided to drive to the Royal Botanical Gardens near Hamilton, Ontario.

The weather was beautiful with blue skies and temperatures in the high 70’s; of course the humidity made it seem much more like the high 80’s but it was a great day all the same.

My wife, Terri, has a great eye for pictures and loves to take them. She must have clicked well over 300 digital photos on our day trip; myself, I only took a few with my iPhone that I found interesting. I rarely take pictures but with the built-in camera I am taking a lot more than what I have ever in the past. Here are some of the pictures I took:

The pictures are (in no particular order): My sandals on a bench, it was so nice to walk barefoot in the grasses; Roses in one of the Rose Gardens; My lunch at the Rock Garden Tea House, a Chicken Caesar in a spinach wrap with a Fanta; a small waterfall tucked away in the corner of the Rock Garden; and, a flower setting on exhibit representing Romeo and Juliet. Enjoy!