Inspirational Stress Relief

Sometimes the best intentions are overridden by better intentions. I am not one to practice “retail therapy” but my wife can present a convincing argument when she wants to. I set my work schedule aside to spend some quality time with my wife … and spend some money, too.

It was a very long week and stress levels were building so we, or better said she, decided to get ourselves ready and after some additional online research we headed out to get her a Wacom Intuos 4 tablet to be used in her new theme creation venture. We’ve been looking at these tablets for a while and the large model seemed the best fit.

I also registered a couple of new domain names that may be used for these ideas:

My wife also insisted I get a new monitor as I have not been overly happy with the one I’ve had for some time now. It required too many video setting adjustments when I am truly a proponent of the plug-n-play models of hardware. We looked at a few models and chose the NEC MultiSync EA231WMi Even though I was not happy with my Acer AL2016W, I did add it as a second monitor for my desktop PC.

I may not have accomplished as much work as I wanted to get done yesterday and I admit to being a willing participant; but, we did accomplish something of great value: inspirational stress relief via retail therapy.

Speak Plainly

Antagonisms and sarcastic remarks are often the instigators of misunderstandings and misconstrued ideas. The acknowledgment of these quips can lead to their further misinterpretation and possible validation whereas ignoring them may refute the points trying to be made, neither of which may ultimately add benefit to the argument.

Speak plainly and to the issue at hand; simple language is a more effective communication device than meandering diatribes or implied meanings.

Meet You in the Middle

We can agree to disagree … No! That’s simply avoidance, nothing more. It’s not a resolution by any means. It’s simply an acknowledgment of one’s inability, or lack of desire, to find a compromise for the issue at hand.

Be it a debate, an argument, or a heated exchange; one of the easiest methods of reaching a peaceful conclusion is the willingness to find a middle ground. In some cases the middle may be heavily skewed to one side but every party involved will gain a certain satisfaction if they have received even a modicum of a concession to their point.

Finding your middle ground and being able to share it will always gain you ground in the end.

Sunday Morning

Just like writing every day, sometimes it takes more than a creative spark to generate the impetus to finish a project.

Today’s inspiration is a mix of 70’s music from Paul McCartney, Dr. Hook, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, ELO and others.

You just have to keep in mind that sometimes it is simply best to just get on with it. Do not over-think the whole affair just put your shoulder to the grind stone and push through it.

Of course there always seem to be what appear to be pre-requisite interruptions to deal with, but even those can add to the inspirational energy of the moment. It’s just a matter of capturing those thoughts and ideas.

Gain what you can from your environs and remember your creativity may not always manifest itself in plain sight but will sometimes be derived from the mundane and sublime … like drinking a coffee Sunday morning in the laundromat.


If you want to make changes for the good then positive actions, words and deeds alike, will speak louder than any grumbling or grousing could ever accomplish. Put your heart into it and really make an effort; you will likely be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Today’s musing was inspired by the following:

Nothing is easier than fault-finding. No talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, is required to set up in the grumbling business; but those who are moved by a genuine desire to do good have little time for murmuring or complaint.
Robert West


To consider yourself great is to recognize your lack of potential; but to be considered great by your peers is to achieve a modest successfulness to strive beyond. Greatness is not something you can bestow upon yourself, it is the accolades given by your admirers and a mere benchmark to consider as a starting point.

Tap here to begin writing

… then what?

Creativity needs to feed on an energy found in the soul and at times sustained by a sheer force of will if by nothing else at all.

I am a writer! A statement; a point of fact; or, a mantra for myself.

How often do I look at a blank screen and ponder various thoughts and ideas doing my utmost to fulfill a long ago post referring to a digital philosopher. A post I just now remember writing shortly after I opened this site.

I write for the pleasure of simply writing; and, to share my thoughts. They may be rambled or reasoned, and I appreciate my readers and look forward to your continued visits.


PS: The title of this post is borrowed from the current version of the WordPress iPhone application. Thanks!