Life has a really funny way of making a wake-up call and these unexpected events as the world makes another run around Sol are none too fun to be involved in.

Today, last night, or a little over a week ago, I have been written into an awful country music song. The haves and the have-nots are not things I would wish anyone to start a new year with their run around the sun. I lost my job (which I truly loved), I lost my dog (a heart-breaking event), and my wife just found out she has cancer (which I am not too optimistic about).

Some say 2024 was a bad year, but I didn’t. I know it was not a good year for many, but I felt very fortunate to have worked for a good company and managed a good team that accomplished many good things and managed to push forward with limited resources.

So, 2025, what’s next?

I will be able to grow and expand my network and documentarian skills. I enjoy writing and moving technical details into lay terminology, which has been surprisingly satisfying. I look forward to more of this in the future. I’d even enjoy freelancing this some.

Sammy, our dog, was suffering from congestive heart failure. We tried, or better yet, we took him to the best veterinarians to hopefully give him a chance at a more comfortable quality of life. We were gifted with a few days, but Sammy was too ill. We made the very difficult decision to let him go to the Rainbow Bridge and asked him to wait there with all our other past family members of the four-footed variety.

We added another little fur-foot, Hennessy, a mini Dachshund, a few days before Christmas. Sammy and Hennessy were bonding well, but only as an elder would pass their blessing to a new arrival in the pack. It took a few days, some during Sammy’s last days, but Sammy was gathering a definite peace while he could.

My calendar is now clear. I am hopeful we will be presented with some options to address my wife’s cancer and provide her with a quality of life to move forward with. I have the time right now, so as bad as this news is, and as selfish a thought as it might be, I have the time to be with her, and after more than 30 years together, I will not leave her to endure this alone.

Every year, many people take the time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the new year. Since I start my revolution around the Sun, which is so close to the New Year, I usually take the two weeks before my birthday to reflect on the past year and consider the next. I’m still in shock, or disbelief or however you would like to describe my current state of mind. Somethings are blatantly obvious and somethings are simply too nebulous to grasp clearly, but we will carry on.

I will carry on.