Disruptions are the things you allow yourself to be distracted by.
Disruptions are the things you allow yourself to be distracted by.
A practice to create a habit, a habit to create a skill, a skill to replace a practice.
Although I have received many comments on the tagline above I wanted to shake things up but still maintain the flavor of the phrase.
I started turning over the words in my head and came up with the following:
practicing habitual skills
… and there you have it, a shuffled tagline.
You got to have the want to before you can have the can do.
Karen Lynk
The more honesty a man has, the less he affects the air of a saint.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
There’s a new Meetup group in town … the WordPress Greater Toronto Area Meetup group, or WPGTA for short. I have been considering starting a Meetup group focused more on WordPress design and development for the last several months but I have also felt there was never enough time to devote to organizing it.
Now, although I have not magically added more time to the day, I also feel if I do not simply get started the ideals I have envisioned for this group will never see the light.
Ideally this Meetup group will also serve as a complimentary one to the growing number of WordPress related ones in the area. The Greater Toronto Area, or GTA, itself holds a large percentage of the population and spreads over a very wide geographic region(1).
Although there is no established agenda, or a first meeting scheduled yet (keep an eye on the calendar one will be announced soon), I look forward to being able to share my experiences and knowledge; especially that gained working with the WordPress Theme Review Team as well as the knowledge I have gained creating and releasing WordPress Themes and WordPress Plugins into the WordPress Extend repositories.
Also, look forward to the WPGTA Meetups to take place in the Mississauga and/or Oakville area. One, I live in the area; and two, to be quite honest, I’m not a fan of driving “into the city” … and hopefully this will allow others interested in attending a WordPress Meetup group easier access.
We will probably start out meeting in coffee shops or other WiFi hotspot locations(2); moving into a community center, library meeting room, or other larger venue is well within possibilities as the group grows.
… and remember to bring your “tools of the trade”(3)
It is worth noticing that those who assume an imposing demeanor and seek to pass themselves off for something beyond what they are, are not unfrequently as much underrated by some as overrated by others.
Richard Whately
Conspiracy is optimistic! You can shoot the bastards! We can have a revolution!
Steve Jobs – Wired, February 1996
It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.
Steve Jobs – Fortune, Nov. 9, 1998
Leading by example is often the best method to prove an idea as others may only realize its potential by seeing it put into practice first.
Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.
Steve Jobs – BusinessWeek, May 25, 1998