Write Polite

The use of foul language to express yourself in writing is generally nothing more than self adulation. The use of common curse words when speaking passionately to make an explicit point may be understandable but to use the same language in writing does nothing to improve the context of the message being made.

When you speak you cannot unsay your words; when you write, you can edit them. There is no good reason one cannot simply go back over their prose and choose more appropriate words to use that better speak to their audience and the public in general that may come across their writings.

It is simply rude and obtuse to use swearing in the written word, for most cases, but if you do have the undeniable urge to curse at least be creative in the way you do it.

It’s just a pet peeve of mine, you can feel free to tell me to go to h3!!


I have reluctantly realized if a customer wants to spend their money you should just let them … as long as you also make sure they are getting equal or greater value in return. There’s no reason to turn away business as long as all involved are getting what they want out of the transaction.

Enter Title Here

Enter title here … seems like as good as place as any to start a post. This little cue phrase is new in the latest version of WordPress and I am still not sure if it is a help or a hindrance to actually getting started.

I am still blocked, but only slightly, as I am starting to type this post out and realize it is simply a rambling of words … and to that I say, “HA … take that you empty page!” Perhaps I should write empty textarea but that is neither here nor there as long as I can reduce the empty space it holds. Which reminds me of something I wrote what now seems like ages ago:

The release is in the writing; prose to free the mind and unfetter the soul.

… and so I write. Why do you write?


A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

It’s Friday night and we are just sitting back and relaxing with our liquid liberation!

These glasses, filled with Stella Artois, are currently available at the LCBO; and, since this is one of our favorite beers we could not resist buying two gift boxes, each containing a glass and a bottle of beer.

An interesting thing to note, the beer tastes just that much better when drank from these glass … are you as thirsty as I am?

Four Words

Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone, put aside your fears and push ahead.

Fortune favors the bold.

Four words to take to heart when you are not sure if or even how to go forward.

Have You Blogged Today?

Often times out of nowhere the greatest ideas comes to mind, and just as fast they disappear back into the imagination. Although sometimes you are lucky enough to capture one of these elusive ideas and write it down.

Just a moment ago I had one. I immediately sat down at my keyboard and I started writing this post. I know it was a great idea; and I’m equally sure I know you have realized the idea has slipped back into my imagination.

I am still realizing a great benefit from this missed opportunity … it still generated the impetus to write. All things being equal, this is always a good thing.

Have you blogged today?

Manna From Heaven

My version, at least tonight, is a Filthy Chai Latte Grande no-water from Starbucks … what’s yours?

It’s really a rather simple drink, although it has taken a few explanations:

  1. You start with a Chai Latte … Grande;
  2. Add two shots (one shot is only Dirty) of espresso;
  3. and, no-water makes it just that much richer and flavorful.

That would be it. Try it yourself sometime … and enjoy both a tea and a coffee at the same time!

Pen To Paper

Well, perhaps better written as fingers to keyboard. I have been struggling with a severe case of writer’s block lately and all of my sites are lacking for attention.

I have decided to get back to basics, which is essentially putting the pen to paper and simply writing. If the next few(?) posts tend to ramble it is just for as long as it takes to get my creative juices flowing again.

Write now … er, right now, I am tapping away on my iPhone just to get things started. It actually can go fairly quick if you just simply keep tapping out your thoughts with little concern for minor typos and punctuation!

Although I will wait to “publish” this until I am able to sit down at my desk later tonight (read: tomorrow afternoon) I will have little concern with editing this post.

Until next time …