Coffee, Tea, or Keurig

I enjoy a good cup of coffee as much as I enjoy a good cup of tea. I also appreciate convenience and quality, too. You may be asking yourself why am I writing this? In a word: Keurig.

What is Keurig?

It’s how we see the world. It’s how we work. It’s how we relax. It’s how we wake up. It’s how we power down. Welcome to Keurig. For coffee, tea, hot cocoa and iced beverages, the world has discovered Keurig and it’s how you brew. With over 200 varieties to choose from, it’s always easy to find the right one-for you.
from the website

My wife recently put in a great deal of time, energy, and extra hours at her work to help with one of their charity drives. One particular event this time was tea and coffee service brought to everyone’s desk. They used a Tassimo machine to brew the coffee and teas they served. As she was telling me about her day we started talking about the various “coffee machines” that use this “cup” system. That was about a week and a half ago.

After some online research and some personal opinions we started to seriously look at the Keurig brewers. The brewer and K-Cups are competitively priced but the true deciding factor was simply the abundant brands (read: choice of flavors) that support the system.

Friday night we went shopping. It had been a long week and a little retail therapy was in order. We decided on the Cuisinart Brewing System and as fate would have it our old drip coffee maker needed to be replaced after its six years of nearly daily use. The warming element had just recently became exposed, which I only noticed as I was cleaning it for storage. The timing was just right.

Now, it’s time for my morning coffee but I have a serious dilemma: what flavor do I brew next?