I realized I did not include the commemorative calling card I created for WordCamp Toronto 2010 after I wrote yesterday’s post. These unique cards fit a niche market I like to address: short-run custom calling cards.
Here are the front and back images:
Feel free to contact myself if you have a need for your own short-run custom calling card.
Thanks for helping with WordCamp, I’m sure everyone appreciated the team’s efforts! Shame about your business cards though; I’m sure they’ll keep until next year. Do you print them yourself?
@Alex – Thanks! There were only a few cards left afterwards. The great things about short-run custom printing are: one, little to no waste; and, two, design flexibility. Besides, the next WordCamp will have a new commemorative design.
I see, I used to print my own cards and I wish I still could. I sold all my very nice printers a few years ago (I used to be in the photography and printing business) so my smallest practical run now is about 250!