It’s The Little Things

Some may say “don’t sweat the details” and I would reply, “but it’s the little things that make it great”.

The attention paid to the finer details of code will always play an important part in how well the code works. The documentation written to excess will only serve to better explain the code down the road when updates and improvements are made. This is not to mention the great benefits it will also serve when other developers start working with the code.

Almost anyone can write good code, it really doesn’t take much with today’s search tools and the wealth of knowledge shared in the developer communities, but …

… sweating the details is what great code is all about; and this new project is being kept to this basic tenet.

Beginning A New Project

Although I have been considering this idea for some time I only just recently started putting code to (digital) paper on a new project … and, yes, it is WordPress related. What can I say? I really enjoy working with the platform.

Now, the reasons I am writing this here:

  • I am still available for other projects … just letting everyone know this one is important, too.
  • I am approaching this project from an entirely new view point
  • I know this will be good for the community
  • I know this will be good for myself

Once I am satisfied most of the features are working in a stable alpha-code state I will be looking for some adventurous individuals …

… but, what is this new project?! Stay tuned for more information.

Code Documentation

Some may say the code is the documentation … and others may reply with the documentation is the code. I believe both are true; and, more importantly, they are not mutually exclusive.

First off, the code quality should be (if possible) in a format that is easily (human) readable. The idea is to provide the person looking at the source code an easy-to-follow layout as well as providing sensible separations between the various code structures.

The code should also be semantically written using naming conventions that help explain why each code construct exists, as well as providing an appropriate indication of what the code will do.

The above two ideas do not preclude the requirement for document blocks to be also included as appropriate in the code, as well as additional code comments explaining specific details that may not be readily apparent from reading the code.

Essentially, the point of view I recommend with documentation is quite simple:

Imagine it is six months later and you did not write the code yourself. Does the documentation you provided properly explain the who, what, where, when , and why of the code? … because in six months time, if you have not been working with the code all along, it will likely be just like you never wrote the code in the first place. Now, imagine what another developer would be going through.

Good UX is not solely in the realm of the end-user.

Most importantly, write the inline documentation when developing the code. You will find it much easier to write the documentation while you develop the code versus going back after the fact and writing it then.

Also, I find it much easier to focus on the task at hand if I do the document framing (read: basic outline) prior to writing the first code structure. Ideally this will also provide the scope of the code as well.

It’s All Over Now

… the end is nigh; now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to follow Chicken Little across the road.

Life does not have to be taken so seriously … enjoy it while you can!

Tagline Shuffle

A practice to create a habit, a habit to create a skill, a skill to replace a practice.

Although I have received many comments on the tagline above I wanted to shake things up but still maintain the flavor of the phrase.

I started turning over the words in my head and came up with the following:

practicing habitual skills

… and there you have it, a shuffled tagline.