Lead Happiness Engineer – NextGEN Gallery

Wow … what a day!

Day one as the Lead Happiness Engineer – NextGEN Gallery at Photocrati Media was quite an experience.

Today I was challenged.
Today I laughed out loud, digitally and working at my desk.
Today I was humbled.
Today I was exhilarated.
Today I was engaged, involved, drawn-in and blown away … all at once.
Today was one of the best days I have ever had …

… and probably the best thing about today, I get to do it all again tomorrow!

PS: If you were playing along from home and didn’t guess this was what I was referring to when I quit my job, now you know.

Last Day After 24 Years

– The previous owner, still welcome to come in every day and read his newspaper at 90 years young, wished me well (again) and invited me to come visit anytime I want; mind that one of the new owners said to “send an email” and they will “put me on the guest list” … hopefully there will be a few more Friday BBQ lunches still to attend this year.

– I wrote an email auto-responder for those that I did not have the opportunity to speak with personally

I’m going home for lunch …

… and so ended my last day after 24 years.

Five More Days

Last week I quit my job. Perhaps you read the post

… and although my role was multifaceted it predominantly revolved around Custom Service related tasks as well as Purchasing, Inventory Management and related responsibilities. Last week, one of the team members was on holidays so I made sure to pick up the slack and began preparations for what I was hoping would be an easy transition period for the Customer Service team (and the new owners).

Today, I arrived early. I was prepared to start the transition process with the other Customer Service team members only to find out they both called in sick?!

Tomorrow will be four more days …

All BNS Plugins Ready for WordPress 3.5

It’s been busy but I finally finished updating all of the BNS Plugins in preparation for the pending release of WordPress 3.5

My self-imposed schedule had me a day late on two out of 16 of my WordPress plugins (BNS Featured Tag and BNS Body Classes) but their respective updates were of particular importance. BNS Featured Tag was brought in line with its cousin BNS Featured Category while BNS Body Classes has taken a turn to something potentially very exciting.

Look for at least one more update to BNS Body Classes later this month as my idea comes to fruition.

New < 140

I just updated my < 140 block to:

I am Cais: WordPress junkie and blogger; maker of fine themes and plugins; WP Theme Review Team admin; Guitar player; and, mischief manager

For consistency purposes it’s the same “bio” details I use on most (all?) of the social networking services I belong to; which, sadly, are simply too many to remember at the moment.

Although my primary social media site is Twitter (@JellyBeen) I can be found most places if you search for Edward Caissie … look me up; and let me know you saw this post, too!

WordPress 3.2-beta1

I saw the wpdevel announcement in my email this morning and also in the news block in the Administration Panels of the sites I check every morning.; and, as per my usual routine, I jumped right into upgrading to this latest nightly version.

Here is an excerpt from the official post on dot-org announcing this release:

It seems like just yesterday that we released WordPress 3.1, but it’s actually been almost three months. We’ve spent that time putting together a new release focused on performance improvements, and are ready for our first beta testers!

As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it.

One of the big items in WordPress 3.2 is the “fullscreen” editor for writing posts and pages … and I have to admit that I was not really expecting to make use of it, but as I write this post as a trial-run I am quite impressed! Kudos to the developers on this new feature. It may take some getting used to but I think it has a great deal of potential.

If you would like to update your WordPress self-hosted web site to the latest nightly build and help out with the testing, or simply just have some fun with the new features, please take a moment to read the article I wrote here for reference.

To make this specific to this latest version you will have to make a small modification to the the process, it’s very simple:

  1. Open the /wp-includes/version.php file in core to edit.*
  2. Change (~ line 25) $wp_version = '3.2-alpha';
  3. Go to your Administration Panel of your WordPress installation.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “stay updated” link in the bottom-right corner. (Refresh the page if the link is not there.)


To see the Nota Bene click here.Nota Bene
* This is one of the very few and extremely rare instances where I would ever suggest editing a core WordPress file. I do not recommend this for anyone that is not familiar with how to make a correct back-up of their installation; and, how to re-install WordPress if the world falls in on their heads.

PIE Day 2011

Today is March 14 and to some it is a day to celebrate the mathematical symbol π, and so we have Pi Day! Here is a bit more infomation about the day:

March 14 was chosen since the numerical month/day (3/14) format of the date represents a very close approximation of the value of pi: 3.14.

Interestingly enough March 14, 2011 could also be considered IE day, as in the the long awaited release of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9.

You will be able to download the latest version of IE later today from at least one of these two sites:

I would say either is a great reason to celebrate the middle of March by either eating a great fruit pie; or, upgrading a much maligned browser to a much more current and standards compliant form.

So raise a slice to PIE (Pi + IE) Day … and enjoy!

July 2010 Updates

I have been busy recently preparing some posts for WPFirstAid.com that discuss the use of one of the new features in WordPress 3.0: custom menus.

This function makes adding custom menus to a theme very easy, but the theme needs to support it as well; and, the posts are written to help with the upgrade process. Stop by WPFirstAid.com and click on the wp_nav_menu tag.

These posts have also made me put on my latest to-do list: update all of my themes to use more of the new WordPress 3.0 features. The published themes will be first followed by my personal custom versions I use on my various sites.

I am also busy with the WordPress.org Theme Review Team, too.

How is your July shaping up?

Thelonious Is In The House

Being a self-professed WordPress junkie I would be remiss in not making the obligatory post regarding the release of WordPress 3.0 … which I saw only a short while ago on the @wpdevel twitter account.

For some additional reading you can follow this link to Matt’s post on the WordPress Blog.

All of the sites I am involved with, or manage, have been successfully updated to this latest version of WordPress.

If you are having any troubles, concerns or issues please contact us at BuyNowShop.com for additional assistance through our premium WordPress Services.

Have you blogged today?