Welcome Back!

Here we go, again. Just some random ramblings to get the creative writing juices flowing once more … especially since it appears there are some fine folk out their on the inter-webs that graciously took the time to have a look at this site. Thanks! I have no idea who you are but you will always be welcome.

I like the idea of “Today’s thought” from yesterday’s post. Hopefully I will be able to write one every day; or, most every day; or, at least once in a while?

To that end: distraction free writing is not about clearing the clutter away, it’s about clearing the way to a place where you can write interruption free.


Starting Over, Again …

It’s been quite some time since I wrote anything here, just over five months?!

I haven’t gone away, I just haven’t written anything … one of those life gets you really busy sort of things.

I’ll probably just fall back on ramblings and and other disconnected thoughts but it’s time I get back to my writing. I’ve missed it, and it’s a good thing to keep practice with.

Today’s thought: just start typing and see what appears on the page …

… it still requires another mouse click to publish the post.

Thank You

Bringing awareness to a rare disease is no easy feat. Generally speaking, most people do not go out of their way to find a rare disease and although there are over 7000 rare diseases out there it usually takes yourself, a family member, or a friend to contract one before you even know it existed in the first place.

Some of you may know my wife, Terri Caissie, and some of you may know she has Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy (Autoimmune) with Progressive Cerebellar Ataxia … but how many of you know what that is?

Terri and myself had tried to get the details of this disease in front of more people to consider and learn about but until very recently we were not having much success. This changed … and for that I am writing this post to say thanks to the people that are affecting this change.

First off, we’d like to thank Tom McFarlin for his post. This caught the attention of others in the WordPress community and sparked a post by Jeff Chandler at WP Tavern; thank you very much, too!

Look what happens with a post on WP Tavern:

WordPress News 2015-12-13

What does that mean to awareness for HE? Considering WordPress powers 25% of the Internet … THAT. IS. HUGE!! Thank you!

Thank you again for the people sharing these links; and, thank you for those that have donated monies to help Terri. We are very grateful for your support.

Our hopes of bringing awareness to those with Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy (or any other rare disease) are buoyed up beyond anything we could have imagined when Terri started her YouCaring campaign.

Thank you, again, to the WordPress community … without you this would not be happening.


Happy Turkey Day

A Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate and give thanks on this day.

Even the turkeys are doing a happy dance today!


To see the notes click here.To hide the notes click here.
Re-scheduled from the original 2009 Thanksgiving post.

My First Tattoo

Although my own design it was created with elements found after many hours of searching for just the right fit … the tattoo is a merger of a Capricorn symbol with a stylized treble clef.

The Capri-Clef Tattoo
The Capri-Clef Tattoo


Never put any restrictions on pie-in-the-sky ideas, the bakery might not be that far away.

Set The Bar High

There are just some things that really get under my skin and comments like this “… beyond the support levels expected from this volunteering forum” really burn me up.

You might ask, where ever did you see that? The WordPress forums of all places?!

Now, to qualify this, I spend a great deal of time every working day in the WordPress forums and I cannot accept this, period.

Whether you are providing support as a volunteer; out of the goodness of your heart; giving back to the community; or, just providing quality support for your plugin you should always strive to improve. This not only benefits yourself but you also become better at helping others as well.

Set the bar high! Do yourself a favor … as well as those you are trying to help. Don’t accept “the support levels expected” … go beyond, go above and beyond!! Give back to the community by making it better not maintaining the status quo.

How do you set the bar high in your support efforts?

Our House …

… although we still have a few more items to check off on our first-time home buyer’s list of things to do we are very confident we will be moving soon.


Wait? What?!

Some days are a bit of a challenge around home but we always try to find a way to makes things light and continue to look for the bright side as often as we can.

Although a topic for a much longer series of posts, Terri has been diagnosed with a rare brain disease, Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy (Autoimmune) (HE). Among its many varying symptoms and issues the ability to communicate will at times have us use “Identification by Description” (IDxD) for Terri to get her point across. Fortunately this is not often but it can be infuriating, frustrating and downright demoralizing when it does but being together for over 20 years we know each other well enough that it works.

Coming up with this little acronym gave us both reason to laugh … and laughter is the best medicine!