
I am looking out at the horizon of my forty-fifth year, writing from the intersection of first and forty-fourth; or in other words, my first birthday blog post on my forty-fourth birthday.

I have looked at today as my New Year’s Day for longer than I can remember. There have been years I was introspective; some years were open and exciting; other years passed uneventfully; but, this year … this year starts a new decade!

I see myself continuing in my works with WordPress. I find it interesting; I enjoy delving into and explore its functionality; and, I see it as something to transition with into the future.

I plan to get back to writing, too. Maybe just more blogging, or maybe I will get to that book I have always dreamed of penning.

The imagination is a remarkable place, one without boundaries, waiting to be explored. A great story is only the road map to get you started.

Some interesting items to note from January 14, 1966:

Happy New Year 2010

I am sitting here at my desk, writing in the quiet of my thoughts. This is when I take time to reflect on the past year and consider the year ahead. My new year’s ritual.

First, I do not make New Year’s resolutions. I do not feel it necessary to wait for a specific day to make a change in my life, or start a new venture, or … live.

It was in May of this year that I decided to start developing and designing with WordPress. I had been blogging for a few years; I like to work with graphics; I enjoy resolving issues with web sites; and, WordPress was an accessible platform. It seemed a natural progression to actually focus my attention on it and get to work becoming part of the community.

June 4, 2009 was my WordPress New Year’s day. That was the day I saw the WordPress Themes Team approve my popular Desk Mess Mirrored theme. I still use it at the site I use for focused WordPress related activities. August 15, 2009 I committed my first plugin to the WordPress Plugins repository. BNS Login is used on every blog I manage, and I have even incorporated it into a couple of themes, too.

As I look back and see what I have accomplished with WordPress this past year, five publicly available themes and seven publicly available plugins, I can only look forward and believe there is more.

There is more that can be done.
There is more that will be done.
There is more I will do!

That is not a resolution, resolutions can be broken.
That is a promise, and promises I do not break.

Why Reply

I believe one should be forthcoming with reasoned answers to respectful questions. Time may be of the essence, but that does not preclude appropriate communication.

Ideals and Ideas

I found these quotes at essentially the same time and an interesting thought came to mind.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo

Man is ready to die for an idea, provided that idea is not quite clear to him.
Paul Eldridge

There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity.
Robertson Davies

The wisdom of a society is found in its ideals and its folly found in its ideas.

What are you willing to bring forward?