The Deep End

The deep end is cold and wet and one needs to learn how to swim quickly or you might drown; just remember to take a friend with you so a lifeline is always in reach.

How’s that for random?!

Perhaps a bit of backstory is needed … we, Terri and I, decided we would give Monday night mixed darts a try. I played in the Legion Branch 36 men’s league last year and I’m playing again this year. We also played mixed summer darts at the legion as well. It was during these Thursday summer nights we were won over to play in the “Valley Town Mixed Dart League”.

I was asked if I would be interested in co-captaining the team and thought it would be an interesting thing to do as well (I have my sights on captaining one of the men’s league teams down the road). Little did I know I would be responsible for the majority of the “paperwork” for the team.

It’s challenging as well as enjoyable. I enjoy playing darts, adding the responsibility of keeping a team organized is just enhancing that experience. I’d like to thank my new found team (The New Crew … maybe “No Charge” … a see a team meeting may be in order) for their patience and their assistance with finding the right tools and organizational ideas making the deep end not so deep anymore.

The next challenge … 180!!!