Maybe the question should be: where do you write?
I’m writing about two different ideas of “where”. The place where you publish your writings; and, the place where the creative juices flow and you actually put digital pen to electronic paper.
Personally I find that sometimes it is a bit overwhelming to have multiple sites to write for. I have three major domains of my own that I write content for; and, I have often and still do consider writing guest posts for a few other sites. This is content writing I am referring to, not some quick blurb of an aside or status update. Those types of posts would add another two or three sites I write for if taken into consideration. This creates a bit of a push-me-pull-you effect when the post idea has a cross-over potential between sites. I believe one should not just simply copy and paste the same content from one site to another creating the dilemma of: where do I write?!
One of the great beauties of writing here is my thoughts can meander around and really just accomplish more or less not too much at all; but, how often can you realistically reference a Pushmi-Pullyu and have it be relevant?! Give it a try sometime, it really can be quite liberating. (This paragraph is also one of the primary reasons I have been developing a new and interesting plugin … more to follow elsewhere.)
The other where of this topic is perhaps what sparked my writing today. Where do I write? I write wherever I can find a space to write my thoughts down. My home office, my work place, the subway, a laundromat, a coffee shop, a park … just about anywhere is the answer; but, I also find the physical where has a dramatic affect on the digital where.
… and as for the question of when do you write; that will be a topic for another time. Enjoy!
I struggle with the actual writing of the content for my sites….they always seems to be well received when I get them out of my head and into the internet, but getting me to actually write is the trick. As for physical location, I’m finding if i get away from my home office, I tend to be less distracted and more focussed, allowing me to actual finish an article or post.
@Al – I couldn’t agree more. The ideal places I find to write from are those with the least amount of distractions … it just seems they are few and far between of late.
Edward: I am using your theme on our sales blog. I get the following error on all Page I create and then view. I also get the error when you go to the table contents and click on a past Post:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘>’ in D:\Hosting\6766173\html\blog\wp-content\themes\desk-mess-mirrored\comments.php on line 2
Can you help me?
Also, any chance to add a company logo in the coffee cup to personalize your theme on our blog?
@Archie – Thank You for choosing Desk Mess Mirrored as your Theme. I would suggest visiting and adding your comment to the Desk Mess Mirrored Theme page as a better place to get assistance with this theme.
Some quick ideas, it appears you have several plugins installed, one of them may be creating a conflict; and, if you download the Multi child-theme of Desk Mess Mirrored at BuyNowShop you will find an example within the code that will help with placing a logo in the coffee cup.
There are also links to contact me for additional WordPress services I offer.
Ok thanks Edward for the quick reply. Great theme!