Adding “yet” to a statement can create potential.
WordPress 3.2-beta1 released … have a look; less is more.
Vote Responsibly!
March 25, 2011 … the first annual Digital Darkness Day?!
Although in many cases, following instructions is a rather straight forward and almost mundane expectation; it can be believed by some you will need to have them read to you, and explained, as if they were written in a language you neither use nor understand. In cases such as these, simply agree to the premise … ∞
One of the great expectations when looking behind the curtains is to find a well oiled machine flawlessly producing faith, hope, and understanding. One does not expect to find a broken down disarray of disconnected thoughts and ideas where even the most basic building blocks are skewed and uneven.
Caution in mystery is safety in history.
Just under the surface I know there is an idea just wanting to break out onto this digital page. There’s been an itch lately to write but it seems there is a block of sorts that is slowing down the whole process. The nebulous thoughts in my mind are just shy of forming an idea … ∞
A WordPress core patch submission to add the (Parent-Theme) Template Version to a Child-Theme’s data.
Discuss. Seriously?! Maybe I’m being a bit sensitive, but every time I see that demand … directive … self-agrandizing command? I cannot help but think the writer must feel they have just written their magnum opus and it is to be considered a requirement for every one of their readers to respond to; and yet, … ∞