All BNS Plugins Ready for WordPress 3.5

It’s been busy but I finally finished updating all of the BNS Plugins in preparation for the pending release of WordPress 3.5

My self-imposed schedule had me a day late on two out of 16 of my WordPress plugins (BNS Featured Tag and BNS Body Classes) but their respective updates were of particular importance. BNS Featured Tag was brought in line with its cousin BNS Featured Category while BNS Body Classes has taken a turn to something potentially very exciting.

Look for at least one more update to BNS Body Classes later this month as my idea comes to fruition.

New WordPress Plugin BNS Bio

Just a quick note … BNS Bio is available from the WordPress Extend Plugins repository. The more current working version is available from this repository on GitHub. Enjoy!

To see the Nota Bene click here.To hide the Nota Bene click here.
NB: The current version of BNS Bio (0.1) requires PHP version 5.3 or higher due to the use of closures; the next release (scheduled for November 20, 2012) will have a lower PHP version requirement

Getting the Lead Out

It seems I have been stumbling through another writer’s block, again … and I love to write.

I’ve often thought about, and even talked with others about, writing a book. Well, as fate would have it, I am in the initial stages of doing exactly that. Although the book in question is being described as a “micro-book” by the publishing house that approached me, I am very much interested in going forward with this idea (the details of which will be made known at a later date).

I’m looking forward to this project; and, even more so, I’m looking forward to pushing my digital pencil right through my electronic paper and busting up this writer’s block.



New < 140

I just updated my < 140 block to:

I am Cais: WordPress junkie and blogger; maker of fine themes and plugins; WP Theme Review Team admin; Guitar player; and, mischief manager

For consistency purposes it’s the same “bio” details I use on most (all?) of the social networking services I belong to; which, sadly, are simply too many to remember at the moment.

Although my primary social media site is Twitter (@JellyBeen) I can be found most places if you search for Edward Caissie … look me up; and let me know you saw this post, too!

BNS Theme Add-Ins 0.1 Live

Sometimes I look for any reasonable excuse to post; this one is just to hard to pass up as a new “status” post.

The following is from one of the newer Plugin repository enhancements: an email notification when an update is made to a plugin you contribute to.

2011-09-30 22:30:33 +0000 (Fri, 30 Sep 2011)

Log Message

Added Paths


Property changes: bns-theme-add-ins/tags/0.1

Added: bugtraq:number

Added: bns-theme-add-ins/tags/0.1/bns-child-theme-add-ins.php (0 => 445926)

Long story short: the first iteration of “BNS Theme Add-Ins” is now available on the WordPress Extend Plugin repository.


Week 39: Back At It

Last week was an interesting vacation; not what I expected nor had in mind but for the most part it was productive and we accomplished a few things that needed to be done.

Due to an unforeseen and most definitely unexpected accident we replaced our walk-in closet shelving with some much more sturdier industrial style racking. We also seem to have increased the open floor space in the closet, too. No pocket change for the racking (~$600) but well worth the peace of mind and additional space. The do-it-yourself aspect also made the project less of a chore and more of an accomplishment.

Unfortunately our hapless cat Roo will not be venturing into that closet anytime soon. It was one of his favorite places until he was buried under seven feet of clothing and a myriad amount of boxes and what-have-you items that were stored on the top shelf.

No worries, Roo is physically fine … just a bit nervous; although to help entice him back into his favorite haunt we made sure to allow for a special space and a brand new cat pillow for him to safely sleep on.

Now, re-charged and ready for more fun and games I am getting this week off to a start by catching up on my correspondence and other items of note.

I’ll see about getting some pictures posted … maybe I will even catch one of Roo in his new bed, too.