WordCamp Toronto 2013

It’s on … and, yes, I am involved with the event as a co-organizer.

WordCamp Toronto 2013 will be held in the fall at a well known and historical Toronto location. The full details of the date and the venue will follow soon …

This year, the current WordCamp Toronto Organizers team members are, in alphabetical order:

Obviously the official announcements will be easily found at the official WordCamp Central site: http://2013.toronto.wordcamp.org/, but we will also be making use of the official unofficial WordCamp Toronto site at: http://wcto.ca where you will be able to see WordCamp Toronto as it is planned … and be able to participate in those discussions.

Some important points to note with this year’s version of WordCamp Toronto:

I am looking forward to an exciting next six months as we plan, organize, and have a great deal of fun presenting WordCamp Toronto 2013 …
… and I am looking forward to seeing everyone there, too!

To see the other organizer related posts click here.To hide the other organizer related posts click here.

WordPress GTA

There’s a new Meetup group in town … the WordPress Greater Toronto Area Meetup group, or WPGTA for short. I have been considering starting a Meetup group focused more on WordPress design and development for the last several months but I have also felt there was never enough time to devote to organizing it.

Now, although I have not magically added more time to the day, I also feel if I do not simply get started the ideals I have envisioned for this group will never see the light.

Ideally this Meetup group will also serve as a complimentary one to the growing number of WordPress related ones in the area. The Greater Toronto Area, or GTA, itself holds a large percentage of the population and spreads over a very wide geographic region(1).

Although there is no established agenda, or a first meeting scheduled yet (keep an eye on the calendar one will be announced soon), I look forward to being able to share my experiences and knowledge; especially that gained working with the WordPress Theme Review Team as well as the knowledge I have gained creating and releasing WordPress Themes and WordPress Plugins into the WordPress Extend repositories.

Also, look forward to the WPGTA Meetups to take place in the Mississauga and/or Oakville area. One, I live in the area; and two, to be quite honest, I’m not a fan of driving “into the city” … and hopefully this will allow others interested in attending a WordPress Meetup group easier access.

We will probably start out meeting in coffee shops or other WiFi hotspot locations(2); moving into a community center, library meeting room, or other larger venue is well within possibilities as the group grows.

… and remember to bring your “tools of the trade”(3)

To see the footnotes click here.To hide the footnotes click here.
(1) 2006 Census data as noted on Wikipedia
(2) Starbucks comes to mind first but there are other eateries and venues that may work well for small gatherings.
(3) Bringing a laptop is probably a good idea … you can write good code anywhere but not if you don’t have the tools to do it.

WordCamp Toronto 2011 Takeaway

Although WordCamp Toronto 2011 was last weekend there were several ideas I will be taking away from it in regards to future development, best practices, as well as some interesting concepts and discussions. To keep it simple I’m just going to list these items (with their inspiration):

There were many more ideas and great pieces of advice, as well as some really sound tips and suggestions through the day (which I simply made myself comfortable in the Developer track for the duration).

The above were just the ones I specifically made note of (literally using the “Sticky Notes” program).  Don’t ask me why I didn’t use EverNote at the time, but all of the above are now listed in an EverNote list for future reference and recollections.

Some of these ideas I am already putting into action, such as the inline documentation in a PHPDoc style; some items I had already been looking at; and others are more as reminders to keep thinking about what can be done.

Just like my site tagline at WPFirstAid: It’s WordPress … anything is possible!

WordCamp Toronto 2011

It’s Official!

WordCamp Toronto 2011 is now listed at WordCamp Central!

We have a date: November 5 & 6, 2011

We have a venue: George Brown College

We need sponsors! We need speakers! We need volunteers!

Most of all we want you to come out and enjoy a great WordCamp and learn more about WordPress and the Toronto WordPress community … and remember, even if you have never heard of WordPress before, you are more than welcome to come out and enjoy the time with us.

Toronto WordPress Meetup June 2010

The Toronto WordPress Meetup for June 2010 is tomorrow the 19th at 2:00PM. We are meeting for the third time at Paupers Pub at 539 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 1Y6; and, as I just checked on the Meetup web page we had our 20th RSVP Yes this morning!

I am looking forward to this Meetup. We have two presentation scheduled on the agenda. The first will be a short presentation on custom fields by Alfred Ayache; and, the second will be by Martin Hurford on the template hierarchy.

There is also a remote possibility of a guest (via Montreal) invited with a comment on one of his recent blog posts here.

Remember to use the twitter hash tag #wpto when tweeting about the Meetup.

Successful WordCamp Toronto 2010 #wcto2010

WordCamp Toronto 2010 came to a close today a little behind schedule but filled with great information, wonderful ideas, and a growing network of new and old friends. A hearty thanks goes out to Matthew Yuill and Melissa Feeney for all their hard works and efforts organizing this WordCamp.

I offered my time at WordCamp as a volunteer. I believe that choice was one of the best I have made. I was given the opportunity to meet and greet almost every single attendee from “behind the bar” giving out the complimentary tee shirts.

There were many volunteers at the event and each one really appeared to enjoy the time at their stations … don’t let these candid photos fool you, these three “behind the bar” with me were all having a great time:

Although I missed getting pictures of the other volunteers (Zamina, Paul, Sam, and Mike) they all did a great job and appeared to really enjoy themselves as well. I have a few pictures taken with my iPhone I will need to go through (and add at a later date?) but in the meantime I would like to add my thanks to the volunteers for their enthusiasm and strong work ethic. A job well done by all!

… and by all measures a very successful WordCamp!

WPToronto Meetup First Meeting

I would have to say that our first meeting was a rousing success.

I left home about an hour before the scheduled meeting was to start. Most people who know me also know I often get lost, sometimes by chance often by choice as I like to check out new places and areas. One of the best ways to learn a little about an area is to start by getting lost in it.

I arrived at High Park about 30 minutes later. I do not recall being inside the park but I am sure I have been there before … maybe. I drove up Colborne Lodge Drive as the Google map showed a fairly easy and clear route to the Grenadier Restaurant in the middle of the park. Less than five minutes later, about a quarter of the way in, the northbound side of the road ended?! Having reviewed maps of the area (and having a print out with me) I thought … No problem, I will just go a little further east and take Parkside Drive and enter the park from the east side.

I drove out of the park; turned left on The Queensway; and, headed east looking for Parkside … I didn’t see it. I chose Sunnyside Avenue and headed north thinking I can turn around somewhere and head back west looking for Parkside … or some other route into the park. I drove around the block that St. Joseph’s Health Centre sits on and ended back on The Queensway heading west. I found Parkside … as I drove over its underpass.

No worries, I thought to myself, I will just drive back to Colborne Lodge Drive turn south and head back along Lakeshore Blvd W to Parkside and be on my way … it was closed for construction to eastbound traffic. I believed at this point I had managed the lost phenomenon! I drove a little further east along Lakeshore and there was a turn-around to head back west, which I took; and, as I was heading west trying to sort out the next approach I saw that Parkside was open to westbound traffic and proceeded north to High Park Blvd.

I entered the park and arrived at our meeting place at just before 1:45PM … this was a truly great starting experience. I got lost(?) and I still arrived early. I walked into the restaurant and looked around. It was busy. Lots of people in the park and a good deal taking advantage of the restaurant’s good food and warmth. I did not see any particular person or group that looked like our Meetup members immediately so I started walking through the restaurant looking for a potentially familiar face, or sign. I notice there was a more formal dining area, still causal, but a maitre’d podium with a “Please wait to be seated” sign drew me closer.

Craig Taylor, the organizer, was waiting to be seated … and so we began. We were followed by five more people and the meeting lasted for well over two hours. We discussed various WordPress related topics and sorted out some ideals for future meetings. The attendees (in an order following how we were seated around the table):

To join the group, just follow this link: http://www.meetup.com/WPToronto/