Sugar Bush Maple

Today’s coffee flavor … and the first post in a new category on the web site.

In October we purchased a Cuisinart Brewing System and have been very  happy with it; although, every so often it does not brew the drink the first time through its cycle?!

Now, back to the coffee … Sugar Bush Maple! As you would expect the coffee has a maple flavor to it, but let’s not stop there. Imagine, if you will, a mild sweetness reminiscent of brown-sugar based home-made “maple” fudge and now you are enjoying the taste sensation of this “new” blend of coffee from Timothy’s.

Digital Darkness Day

Yesterday was our 17th wedding anniversary and as requested I spent the entire day away from my computers, and did not use my iPhone … no emails, no web surfing, no phone calls. It was quite peaceful and I thank my wife for the request and quite honestly look forward to making this an annual event.

Of course, this was made much easier by considering the day as a holiday, but also as a last-minute decision it was greatly appreciated by my family, friends, and colleagues to honor our choice, too.

So, I would like to propose that March 25 be set aside as Digital Darkness Day when you take the time to turn off your smart-phones, your computers, and any other devices. Take a quality day for you, your family, and your friends; and, if March 25 is not the best day for you then choose a day that is … but most of all, enjoy!

Add WordPress Required Version and Tested Up To Version

I just made my second submission to the WordPress Core Trac with the summary above. Here is a link to the new ticket #16868 … and here is the description:

The premise of this idea is for Theme authors to be able to add a reference to the version of WordPress their Theme requires to work correctly; and, the version of WordPress the Theme has been tested up to. This idea comes from the the plugin readme.txt file and some of the data that is expected to be found there.

Once implemented, further enhancements to the Appearance tab in the Administration Panels can be added to better inform end-users on the compatibility of the Theme with their current WordPress installation.

This is essentially an extension of my previously submitted ticket #16395 to “Add ‘Template Version’ for use with ‘Template’ in Child-Themes” I wrote about here.

PIE Day 2011

Today is March 14 and to some it is a day to celebrate the mathematical symbol π, and so we have Pi Day! Here is a bit more infomation about the day:

March 14 was chosen since the numerical month/day (3/14) format of the date represents a very close approximation of the value of pi: 3.14.

Interestingly enough March 14, 2011 could also be considered IE day, as in the the long awaited release of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9.

You will be able to download the latest version of IE later today from at least one of these two sites:

I would say either is a great reason to celebrate the middle of March by either eating a great fruit pie; or, upgrading a much maligned browser to a much more current and standards compliant form.

So raise a slice to PIE (Pi + IE) Day … and enjoy!

Moving Things Along

Although in many cases, following instructions is a rather straight forward and almost mundane expectation; it can be believed by some you will need to have them read to you, and explained, as if they were written in a language you neither use nor understand. In cases such as these, simply agree to the premise …

… sometimes you need to pander to the bureaucracy of a situation in order to expedite it.

This is not to say the reasoning behind stating these instructions and the requirement to follow them is not without merit. It is simply to say the discussion may reach a point where no matter how well explained the relevance to the task at hand becomes moot.