… although we still have a few more items to check off on our first-time home buyer’s list of things to do we are very confident we will be moving soon.
WordPress.com 6th Anniversary
Lead Happiness Engineer – NextGEN Gallery
Wow … what a day!
Day one as the Lead Happiness Engineer – NextGEN Gallery at Photocrati Media was quite an experience.
Today I was challenged.
Today I laughed out loud, digitally and working at my desk.
Today I was humbled.
Today I was exhilarated.
Today I was engaged, involved, drawn-in and blown away … all at once.
Today was one of the best days I have ever had …
… and probably the best thing about today, I get to do it all again tomorrow!
PS: If you were playing along from home and didn’t guess this was what I was referring to when I quit my job, now you know.
I Quit My Job Yesterday
I started 24 years ago … and I quit yesterday! I tendered an appropriate Letter of Resignation but I’ve always wanted to say:
I Quit! Cha-Cha-Cha!
(Although I did write my wife after using that as the subject line … we both laughed about it later.)
It reminds me of an old television ad for the lottery. I didn’t actually win lottery, I did something better.
I have taken a position with a great company that works with WordPress; no, it’s not Automattic even though someone tried guessing on Twitter.
@andrea_r No … not even any of their related companies. Which I always found odd, but I am very happy with where I am going.
— Edward Caissie 🇨🇦 (@JellyBeen) August 6, 2013
My new title will be: Lead Happiness Engineer – … er, well, if I gave my whole new title then what fun would it be for anyone else playing along.
Care to guess?
Welcome to WordPress 3.6
You have just updated your WordPress installation and are looking at the latest “About WordPress” page.
You are reading about:
- A “Colorful New Theme” (Twenty Thirteen)
- How you can “Write with Confidence” (Explore Revisions, Improved Autosaves, and Better Post Locking)
- New “Support for Audio and Video” (New Media Player, and Embed Music from Spotify, Rdio, and SoundCloud)
- and, you are seeing improvements “Under The Hood” (Audio/Video API, Semantic Markup, JavaScript Utilities, Shortcode Improvements, Revision Control, and External Libraries)
Now that you have read about all these great improvements, please take a moment to click on the “Credits” tab on the About page and have a look at all of the contributors to this latest version.
I’m quite proud, and humbled, to say I was one of the many contributors to core for this release; and, would like to thank everyone for their contribution(s)!

WordCamp Toronto 2013
It’s on … and, yes, I am involved with the event as a co-organizer.
WordCamp Toronto 2013 will be held in the fall at a well known and historical Toronto location. The full details of the date and the venue will follow soon …
This year, the current WordCamp Toronto Organizers team members are, in alphabetical order:
- Andy (McIlwain) – Lead Organizer
- Brent (Kobayashi)
- Edward (Caissie)
- Sharlene (Hopwood)
- Terri (Caissie)
- Val (Crozier)
- … and a couple more to follow?
Obviously the official announcements will be easily found at the official WordCamp Central site: http://2013.toronto.wordcamp.org/, but we will also be making use of the official unofficial WordCamp Toronto site at: http://wcto.ca where you will be able to see WordCamp Toronto as it is planned … and be able to participate in those discussions.
Some important points to note with this year’s version of WordCamp Toronto:
- Twitter handle: @WCYYZ
- Twitter hashtag: #wcto2013
- Pinterest as WCYYZ
- Flickr as WCYYZ
- RebelMouse as WCTO
- Facebook … coming soon
I am looking forward to an exciting next six months as we plan, organize, and have a great deal of fun presenting WordCamp Toronto 2013 …
… and I am looking forward to seeing everyone there, too!
Ready, Willing, and Able
I just released Opus Primus to the WordPress Extend Themes repository; or, in other words Opus Primus is in the theme review queue and hopefully will be live within the month.
This was a project I spent a great deal of time on with no regrets. It did not interfere with my ability to provide WordPress services to my existing clients nor did it stop me from taking on more clients, but it did keep me busy between “paying” projects. Now, with Opus Primus in “waiting to be reviewed” mode, I once again have “free” time to review new project offers.
All BNS Plugins Ready for WordPress 3.5
It’s been busy but I finally finished updating all of the BNS Plugins in preparation for the pending release of WordPress 3.5
My self-imposed schedule had me a day late on two out of 16 of my WordPress plugins (BNS Featured Tag and BNS Body Classes) but their respective updates were of particular importance. BNS Featured Tag was brought in line with its cousin BNS Featured Category while BNS Body Classes has taken a turn to something potentially very exciting.
Look for at least one more update to BNS Body Classes later this month as my idea comes to fruition.
New WordPress Plugin BNS Bio
Just a quick note … BNS Bio is available from the WordPress Extend Plugins repository. The more current working version is available from this repository on GitHub. Enjoy!
Windows 8, Google Chrome, and Biometrics … Oh my!
tl;dr – Using Windows 8 with Google Chrome and a biometric device: Check in Chrome (menu > Tools) Extensions for “TrueSuite Website Logon Extension” and disable it.
This started a couple of days ago. I basically only use Chrome for testing WordPress Themes and Plugins that I write (or review) and found I simply could not get to WordPress.org via Chrome. A quick message out on Skype indicated this was likely a local issue and was supported by twitter-verse responses as well.
After some extensive Google searches; not using Chrome as it would not resolve the Google search homepage, which I found ironic … this post provided the solution to the issues I was seeing.