Theme: Ground Floor by Array

Last updated: 2015-06-27 (version 2.4)
Average Rating: 0 stars (by 0 voters)
Richly toned wood floor background with bare-earth colored widgetized sidebar and footer (six widget areas in total). A strong theme to begin with; grow into; and, build on.
Total downloads: 54240
To see the changelog click here.To hide the changelog click here.

=== Ground Floor ===

== Version 2.3.2 ==

Released December 2014

= Code =

  • Added support for `add_theme_support( 'title-tag' )`
  • Added support for `BNS Login` using dashicons
  • Code formatting to better meet WordPress Coding Standards
  • Miscellaneous inline documentation updates
  • Moved `$content_width` into callback function

= CSS =

  • Added compatibility styles for `BNS Theme Details`

= Miscellaneous =

  • Corrections to `readme.txt` to address mark-up issues

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== Version ==

  • Additional reversion updates

== Version 2.3.1 ==

  • Reverted name change: `gf_setup` -> `ground_floor_setup`

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== Version 2.3 ==

= Code =

  • Re-factored `comment_add_userid` to note various user roles as comment classes
  • Minor i18n corrections and updates
  • Removed `wp_list_bookmarks` call from the default sidebar widgets
  • Removed micro-ID class insertion into comment classes
  • Renamed `ground_floor_setup` to `gf_setup` to be more consistent

= CSS =

  • Ensured embedded "tweets" are set to 100% width in the content area

= Miscellaneous =

  • Set i18n textdomain references to match theme slug
  • Updated `readme.txt` file with better details about the theme

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 2.2.3 ==

= Code =

  • Reformatted code to better meet WordPress Coding Standards

= CSS =

  • Added `address` definition
  • Fixed two minor typos and corrected `.wp-caption` alignment issues

= Miscellaneous =

  • Added `Textdomain` to theme header block
  • Added FAQ: Why are not all of the archive posts showing an excerpt only?
  • Changed theme tag `fixed-width` to `fixed-layout`
  • Replace `screenshot.png` with a 880 x 660 pixel version
  • Update Copyright years

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 2.2.2 ==

= Code =

  • Removed unused variables and parameters as part of code clean-up

= CSS =

  • Added some basic list element styles for sub-elements
  • Added some minor aesthetic changes to some elements
  • Added `word-wrap` properties for pages and posts
  • Added better list element styles
  • Basic clean up of old and/or duplicated properties

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 2.2.1 ==

= Code =

  • Added constant 'GF_HOME_URL'
  • Applied 'GF_HOME_URL' as appropriate
  • Change Featured Image to centered and full size from left aligned thumbnail
  • General code cleanup
  • Simplified custom menu support code

= CSS =

  • Added 'display: none;' for `screen reader text` labels
  • Adjusted galleries CSS to provide a larger thumbnail view where space is available
  • Adjusted `img` properties related to the Featured Image
  • Keep Featured Images to width of container with `wp-post-image` properties

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== Version 2.2 ==

= Code =

  • Added 'search' results template
  • Dropped the "subscribe" link from the post meta in the 'single' template
  • Refactored code formatting and code block termination comments
  • Refactored widget area definitions into `gf_widgets` function and hooked into `widget_init`
  • Refactored to be more i18n compatible
  • Removed 'searchform.php' in favor of using WordPress core version
  • Updated DOCTYPE and other related header elements

= CSS =

  • Changed size of archive titles to a much smaller more aesthetic size
  • Change search input field width in sidebar (see 'searchform.php' removal)

= Miscellaneous

  • Change 'style.css' header texts to reflect core trac ticket #16868
  • Updated copyright year
  • Updated 'readme' with new F.A.Q. section and answer regarding the removal of the theme version of 'searchform.php'

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 2.1 ==

Changelog: December 9, 2012

= Code =

  • Added filters to allow the theme version text to be completely overwritten
  • Added 'Ground Floor Custom Background Callback' to specifically set the CSS `background-attachment` property to `fixed` by default.
  • Addressed conditional to display threaded comments if they are open or closed
  • Fixed spacing issue in meta details if post has no tags
  • Refactored sidebar definitions to include names and descriptions
  • Reworded the theme version texts
  • Removed duplicate `content width` entry
  • Removed `gf_login` function in favor of using its parent plugin BNS Login
  • Removed `gf_modified_post` as unused code (may re-introduce in a later version)

= CSS =

  • Adjusted search box input field to fill width
  • Change `font-size` properties to percentage based values with base font-size set to 100%
  • Fixed aesthetics of the menu for the current page
  • Hid search buttons by un-commenting the `hidden` class properties

= Miscellaneous =

  • Minor code reformatting
  • Documentation updates and corrections
  • More complete PHPDocs style documentation added

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 2.0 ==

Changelog: July 6, 2012

= Code =

  • Addressed `_e` and other output / i18n issues
  • Changed TEMPLATEPATH to `get_template_directory()`
  • Refactored `wp_title` usage
  • Refactored script enqueue of threaded comments
  • Removed code for call to deprecated function `add_custom_background`
  • Removed code for call to deprecated function `get_theme_data`
  • Removed `function_exists( 'dynamic-sidebar' )` checks - should not be needed
  • Updates to i18n support

= Miscellaneous =

  • Various inline documentation updates and corrections
  • Dropped widget-map image file from package

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.9 ==

Changelog: April 19, 2012

= Code =

  • Added conditionals to display website (with email) and biography only if information has been entered into the user fields
  • Addressed deprecated function call to `add_custom_background`
  • Addressed deprecated function calls to `get_theme_data`
  • Addressed deprecated function call to `get_userdatabylogin`
  • Changed `bns_modified_post` to `gf_modified_post`
  • Changed `bns_theme_version` to `gf_theme_version`
  • Changed `bns_dynamic_copyright` to `gf_dynamic_copyright`

= CSS =

  • Adjust CSS on sticky posts to provide better contrast
  • Added CSS to better display more uniform images in galleries greater than four columns

= Miscellaneous =

  • Improved code quality via better and more consistent structure and format
  • Dropped direct support for older versions of Internet Explorer

= Internet Browsers Reviewed =

  • Chrome v18.0
  • Firefox v11.0
  • Internet Explorer v9.0
  • Opera v11.61
  • Safari v5.1.5

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Changelog as of September 3, 2011

= Version 1.8 =

- general code clean-up

- modified bns-login function to gf-login

- modified drop-down menu styles and added rounded corners to menu elements

- add conditional to not display comment(s) if post is password protected

- update bns_dynamic_copyright function

- update bns_theme_version function

- modified the site title creation code

= Version 1.7.1 =

- changed main background image to a smaller 'jpg' version (to address this post:

- original background image will be retained (temporarily) for those that prefer a better quality

- added span id's to the `BNS Dynamic Copyright` and `BNS Theme Version` functions

= Version 1.7 =

- released: March 27, 2011

- published: March 27, 2011

- removed 'hard-coded' links from sidebar

- added readme.txt file for additional information and other details

- added additional 'required' WordPress style elements

- updated Theme copyright date

- additional minor changes

- edit Theme tags to be more appropriate

= Version 1.6 =

- published: October 5, 2010

- released: October 2, 2010

- updated deprecated function calls

- correct typo in page.php template file - thanks to 'charlie' (

- use `get_search_form()` in place of `include( TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php" )`

- added unique namespace for theme functions 'gf_'

- added full `wp_nav_menu` support

- added multi-page navigation to all template files using `the_content()`

- added post_thumbnail support to index.php, single,php, and page.php

= Version 1.5.1 =

- published: July 26, 2010

- released: July 5, 2010

- style updates for the `comment_form()` function

= Version 1.5 =

- released: July 5, 2010

- cleaned up code to meet WP Standards

- adjusted content_width value

- fixed page with comments closed message

- removed feed links from header; using `add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );`

- removed `legacy.comments.php` file as it is no longer referenced.

- add the use of `comment_form()`

= Version 1.4 =

- published: Apr 28, 2010

- released: Apr 23, 2010

- reviewed for compatibility with WordPress 3.0

- added revision / date reference to each file

- corrected dynamic_copyright function

- removed legacy.comments.php and associated function calls

- CSS: added elements for the Calendar

- WP: add class and ID to function widget definition

- WP: minor clean up to widget functions

- WP: using `add_theme_support` added: `post-thumbnails`, `nav-menus`, and `automatic-feed-links`

- added BNS Modified Post function (requires WordPress 3.0)

- additional modifications to meet current guidelines as found at:

= Version 1.3.1 =

- modified bns_login function to use wp-login.php to match the BNS Login plugin

- removed promotional link to the BNS Login plugin at

= Version 1.3 =

- added "GPL2" license statement to style.css

- added YUI reset to CSS

- general clean-up of CSS file (removed most empty elements)

- added bns_dynamic_copyright()

= Version 1.2.1 =

- moved theme version display to functions.php

= Version 1.2 =

- added clearing div to the end of the_Loop

- fixed page navigation 'previous' and 'next' links display

= Version 1.1.3 =

- minor change to comment count display -> "Closed" to "Comments Closed" on all pages

= Version 1.1.2 =

- re-coded footer.php to address fopen() errors

- updated theme URL (to its own page)

- minor edit in "date.php" to change comments message from 'Closed' to 'Comments Closed'

- added the wp_link_pages() function to single.php

- CSS: .widget p {margin-bottom: 0;}

- CSS (edit): updated BNS Plugins section

= Version 1.1 =

- re-work of the footer widget area into three (3) defined areas

-- removed the `table` structures

-- added BNS-Login plugin functionality to Middle Footer Widget as default.

- improved IE6 compatibility

- CSS: hr element -> edited properties: 'border: 1px solid black;' and 'background: #673000;'

- CSS (new): added BNS Plugins section at end of style.css

= Version 1.0.3 =

- added `id="page-content"` and `id="page-meta" to page.php for more style control

- CSS: .post-details -> added property 'padding-left: 18px'

- CSS: .post -> added properties 'padding-bottom: 9px' and 'border-bottom: thick double Black;'

- CSS (new): .post:hover -> semi-transparent background on all posts

- CSS (new): #page-content:hover -> semi-transparent background on all posts

= Version =

- Submission related changes:

  • CSS: .widget -> adjusted 'padding-left' and 'padding-right' to 20px;
  • CSS: .widget ul -> adjusted 'padding' to 0 (zero) in all quadrants

= Version 1.0.2 =

- edited post meta details to re-arrange positions

- CSS: blockquote -> add property 'padding-bottom: 8px;' to show entire "quotes" image on single line quotes.

- CSS: .hr, .groundfloor -> add properties 'border: none;' and 'background: none;' to correct all blank display of class="hr"

- Submission requested changes:

  • CSS: body -> changed background color and muted tone of background image (original commented out in style.css)
  • CSS: .post-details -> added properties to create viewable differences between the meta data and standard text

= Version 1.0.1 =

- Submission requested changes:

  • Removed title tag from the credit link
  • Pages now display comments

= Version 1.0 =

- Initial Release