Theme: NoNa by Array

Last updated: 2016-02-04 (version 1.9.3)
Average Rating: 0 stars (by 0 voters)
Missing the pretty pin-up girl posing in the header, this grunge based theme originally known as Pinup Meets Grunge beautifully blends custom background colors. This built-in options give you the creative opportunity to truly make this theme your own. Do not be scared off by the dark look, try installing your own copy and playing with the custom background color option yourself. Remember, if you are not a fan of "blank" headers feel free to drop us a note and we can discuss additional options.
Total downloads: 48355
To see the changelog click here.To hide the changelog click here.

=== NoNa ===

== Version 1.9.3 ==

  • Released February 2016
  • Update copyright year
  • Update required version to WordPress 4.1 (no sanity check)
  • Added `id` to sidebar widget definitions
  • Added sanity check before registering widgets
  • Added `screen-reader-text` required CSS definitions
  • Remove extraneous/minor comments to clean up code

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.9.2 ==

Changelog: December 27, 2014

= Code =

  • Additional minor code refactoring to better meet WordPress Coding Standards
  • Added `nona_content_width` function to be used in `*_head` hooks
  • Added sanity check for WordPress 4.1 `add_theme_support( 'title-tag' )`
  • Removed call to unused `$wp_version` global in `nona_setup`

= CSS =

  • Re-implemented `.hidden` class to use `display: none;` property

= Miscellaneous =

  • Added BNS Login compatibility to display dashicons instead of text links
  • Cleaned up theme description

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.9.1 ==

Changelog: August 4, 2014

= Code =

  • Minor code refactoring to better meet WordPress Coding Standards

= CSS =

  • Added `post-title` class and styles to better handle long titles
  • Improved aesthetics of Post Password form display
  • Improved aesthetics of Search form display
  • Made sure Twitter embeds are not fixed width
  • Minor adjustment to child-menu item alignment (now left instead of centered)
  • Updated `gallery-caption` class to better handle high quantity column displays
  • Updated default Calendar widget styles

= Miscellaneous =

  • Documentation clean up and updates
  • Update copyright to 2014
  • Update Tested Up To version to WordPress 4.0
  • Update `screenshot.png` to 880x660 size

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.9 ==

Changelog: December 28, 2013

= Code =

  • Code reformatted to better meet WordPress Coding Standards (see
  • Remove `nona_login` function - see BNS Login
  • Removed the unused variable `$sep_location`

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.8.1 ==

Changelog: July 18, 2013

= Code =

  • Added constant 'NONA_HOME_URL'
  • Hide middle footer widget area frame if it is empty
  • Refactored Featured Image display code into function `nona_show_featured_image( $size )`
  • Used 'NONA_HOME_URL' where appropriate

= CSS =

  • Added 'hidden' class
  • Adjusted `img` and 'caption' related properties

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.8 ==

Changelog: March 15, 2013

= Code =

  • Added code block termination comments
  • Changed conditional to use `is_multisite` for Multisite testing
  • Move Comment Reply script enqueue to 'functions.php'
  • Refactored code formatting
  • Refactored no post title code
  • Refactored to be more i18n compatible
  • Refactored widget area definitions into `nona_widgets` function and attached to `widgets_init` action hook
  • Remove 'searchform.php' template in favor of using WordPress core version
  • Updated DOCTYPE and other related header elements

= CSS =

  • Minor adjustments to handle default widgets (based on the "Monster" widget)
  • Minor adjustment to handle default 'searchform' output

= Miscellaneous =

  • Deprecate `nona_login`, recommend using plugin BNS Login instead.
  • Update "WordPress Required Version" to 3.4

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.7 ==

Changelog: December 10, 2012

= Code =

  • Fixed spacing issue in meta details if post has no tags
  • Refactored sidebar definitions to include names and descriptions for all areas
  • Refactored `wp_nav_menu` support code

= Miscellaneous =

  • PHPDocs style documentation updates and additions
  • Minor change to output text in 'NoNa Theme Version'

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.6 ==

Changelog: July 10, 2012

= Code =

  • Added `nona_wp_title` to be used with `wp_title` filter
  • Removed deprecated function call to `add_custom_background`
  • Removed deprecated function call to `get_theme_data`
  • Updated post to post navigation in 'single.php'

= CSS =

  • Miscellaneous minor style changes
  • Styles for default widgets updated

= Internet Browsers Reviewed =

  • Apple Safari v5.1.7
  • Firefox v13.0.1
  • Google Chrome v20.0
  • Internet Explorer v9.0
  • Opera v12.0

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.5 ==

Changelog: April 24, 2012

= Code =

  • Added $args to `nona_login` function - adopted from BNS-Login plugin
  • Added conditional check to only display website (and email) if exists, as well as only display biography if it exists
  • Addressed deprecated function call to `add_custom_background`
  • Addressed deprecated function calls to `get_theme_data`
  • Make post edit link preceding character consistent across all theme templates

= CSS =

  • Corrected various class names ... changed from 'bns-' to 'nona-'
  • Form aesthetics improved

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.4 ==

Changelog: November 6, 2011

= Code =

  • Added textdomain as needed to string functions
  • Added previous and next post navigation in the `single.php` template
  • Added `wp_link_pages` after every instance of `the_content`
  • Added `description` parameter to `register_sidebar` definitions
  • Removed `show_avatar` function - not used
  • Removed `bns_menu` function - not used
  • Removed `nona_get_page_number` function - no longer used
  • Removed display of 'Featured Image' in `single.php` for aesthetic reasons
  • Removed default 'Home' link in menus when not on home page; leave as end-user choice via custom menu
  • Replaced `the_author_posts_link` (deprecated) with `get_author_posts_url`
  • Updated 'BNS Dynamic Copyright' and renamed to 'NoNa Dynamic Copyright'
  • Updated 'BNS Theme Version' and renamed to 'NoNa Theme Version'

= CSS =

  • `font-size` changed to base of 115% from 18px
  • Changed font-sizes changed to percentage base; some additional adjustments made
  • Change main background image to `GrungeOverlayTileSmall.png` for better seamless tiling
  • Change `GrungeOverlayTileSmall.png` background property to 'body' tag and remove `#full-screen`
  • Added more consistent formatting
  • Added `max-width` parameter to address gallery with up to 10 columns
  • Added CSS to support `editor-style`
  • Removed Internet Explorer `lte IE 7` support
  • Removed `head2toe` as not needed
  • Removed .avatar class; not used (and conflicts with v3.3-beta1 Admin Bar)
  • Removed all empty elements (except those required by WordPress guidelines)
  • General clean-up with minor optimizations and additions

= Code & CSS =

  • Updated menu system
  • Cleaned up widget code in functions.php
  • Cleaned up template code eliminating unneeded code

= Miscellaneous =

  • Changed to 'new' changelog format
  • Corrected Theme Name to NoNa
  • Update `readme.txt` with better 'markdown'
  • Update `changelog.txt` with better 'markdown'
  • Add `support.txt` file

/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

== Version 1.3.1 ==

  • released: January 13, 2011
  • Trac ticket:
  • correct for missing 'echo' on home_url() calls

== Version 1.3 ==

  • added WP3.0 custom menu functionality
  • modified the theme description for clarity
  • updated call to search form with get_search_form()
  • added readme.txt file (includes TO-DO list)
  • added post-thumbnail support to all templates

== Version 1.2 ==

  • released: July 5, 2010
  • NB: This theme is WordPress 3.0+ compatible, earlier versions may not be able to use it.
  • cleaned up code to meet WP Standards
  • replaced background color option with WP3.0 custom-background functionality
  • added comment_form for WP3.0
  • miscellaneous updates to better reflect Theme Development Checklist criteria

== Version 1.1 ==

  • added clearing div to end of the_Loop
  • added wp_link_pages()

== Version 1.0.1 ==

  • variable name change in functions.php
  • CSS: changed '.widget p'

== Version 1.0 ==

  • Initial Release