Theme: Shelter by Array

Last updated: 2015-02-26 (version 2.0.3)
Average Rating: 0 stars (by 0 voters)
Child-Theme of Ground Floor - Richly toned wood floor background with bare-earth colored widgetized sidebar and footer (six widget areas in total, as shown on the included widget-map.png). A strong theme to begin with; grow into; and, build on.
Total downloads: 16247
To see the changelog click here.To hide the changelog click here.

=== Shelter ===

Last revised August 4, 2014

== Version 2.0.3 ==

  • Updated copyright years
  • Updated `screenshot.png` to 880x660 size

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== Version 2.0.2 ==

  • Internal documentation updates noting current compatibilities

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== Version 2.0.1 ==

  • Corrected title used in this file
  • Modify 'style.css' header block details to match core trac ticket #16868

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== Version 2.0 ==

= Code =

  • Documentation clean up and version change to match Parent-Theme: Ground Floor

= Miscellaneous =

  • Remove 'functions.php' in case it is being used in a Child-Theme already

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== Version 1.9 ==

Changelog: April 19, 2012

= Code =

  • Removed `bns-menu` function as no longer required.

= Miscellaneous =

  • Matched to Parent-Theme Ground Floor v1.9

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== Version 0.2 ==

  • changelog.txt created

== Version 0.1 ==

  • Initial release.