The Power of a Punctuated Yet

Adding “yet” to a statement can create potential. Just think of what you can accomplish by adding this word (with a comma) to a simple statement. You might also notice doing so will often change a negative into a positive. For example:

I am not a guitar virtuoso, yet.

Let’s try one with an exclamation mark:

You have never seen an Easter Rat, yet!

Now, let’s really punch it up and add an ellipsis (…) to the mix:

WordPress does not run every website … yet!

Aside from the little bit of whimsy above, what examples can you think of to generate great positive potential with a little word and a bit of punctuation?

Tiffany Falls and Sherman Falls

Yesterday we were able to get away for one of our favorite summer activities. “Waterfalling” is the term we coined for it. It really is quite simple, especially for those that live in the Golden Horseshoe. This is a region of southern Ontario, Canada that wraps around the western end of Lake Ontario. The area is full of naturally occurring waterfalls thanks in most part to the geography of the Niagara Escarpment.

Here are some pictures I took with my iPhone of Tiffany Falls and Sherman Falls; and, the trails leading to them. All of the pictures are in order with the first nine from Tiffany Falls ending with the old stone fireplace. The balance are from the short hike into Sherman Falls.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed the waterfalls in person.

WordPress 3.2-beta1

I saw the wpdevel announcement in my email this morning and also in the news block in the Administration Panels of the sites I check every morning.; and, as per my usual routine, I jumped right into upgrading to this latest nightly version.

Here is an excerpt from the official post on dot-org announcing this release:

It seems like just yesterday that we released WordPress 3.1, but it’s actually been almost three months. We’ve spent that time putting together a new release focused on performance improvements, and are ready for our first beta testers!

As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it.

One of the big items in WordPress 3.2 is the “fullscreen” editor for writing posts and pages … and I have to admit that I was not really expecting to make use of it, but as I write this post as a trial-run I am quite impressed! Kudos to the developers on this new feature. It may take some getting used to but I think it has a great deal of potential.

If you would like to update your WordPress self-hosted web site to the latest nightly build and help out with the testing, or simply just have some fun with the new features, please take a moment to read the article I wrote here for reference.

To make this specific to this latest version you will have to make a small modification to the the process, it’s very simple:

  1. Open the /wp-includes/version.php file in core to edit.*
  2. Change (~ line 25) $wp_version = '3.2-alpha';
  3. Go to your Administration Panel of your WordPress installation.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “stay updated” link in the bottom-right corner. (Refresh the page if the link is not there.)


To see the Nota Bene click here.Nota Bene
* This is one of the very few and extremely rare instances where I would ever suggest editing a core WordPress file. I do not recommend this for anyone that is not familiar with how to make a correct back-up of their installation; and, how to re-install WordPress if the world falls in on their heads.

Caramel Vanilla Nut

Now that reads like an enticing coffee flavor; one you can imagine having just as interesting a taste, too. Today’s flavor is yet another blend by Timothy’s. This coffee reminds me of the rich flavors found inside a chocolate cherry cordial eaten on a warm summer day.

Of course with no cherry or chocolate mentioned in the name, you can imagine the surprise I received with my first taste … and it still tastes the same even after a few more cups as this is another specialty flavor I like to keep in our K-Cup carousel.