Let your thoughts be genius and your madness creative for in these strokes of writing madness comes the ideas of creative genius.
… that always seems to be the hardest point when I start writing. Especially when I have no real idea where I want to go to. Perhaps the question that should be asked when I am staring at a blank screen is where to end? An alpha-omega moment when both the beginning and the end … ∞
Do you stockpile posts? Do you have an idea file that you pick and choose from to write just the right post at just the right time? I rarely do, but sometimes an idea just needs to be kept aside for just the right occasion. Hopefully soon a post I wrote will leave the draft … ∞
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… if you are able to help, by all means please do. There are many animal resuces that could always use more help; food, supplies, transportation … even your time … all donations would be welcome.
A short interlude of space and time can always be filled with substance from another place … links to my posts from the week of Sept 12, 2010.
You may often gain a clearer picture of a situation with unseen influences and unknown circumstances becoming apparent after a judicious application of patience.
A practice to create a habit, a habit to create a skill, a skill to replace a practice.
Communication is not the conveying of an idea; it is the action of creating an atmosphere of interest in the idea.
Sometimes you simply have to stand up and get noticed; take the lead by setting a positive example; and, always strive for improvement. Recognition goes a long way in gaining support for a goal or idea. Gather together positively influenced support for your plan and others will see there are benefits to its completion. Deliver … ∞