Did you know … if you change the common programming example value foo to something that more closely resembles a CSS, or hex, color value, you get #f00 or red.
tl;dr – Using Windows 8 with Google Chrome and a biometric device: Check in Chrome (menu > Tools) Extensions for “TrueSuite Website Logon Extension” and disable it. This started a couple of days ago. I basically only use Chrome for testing WordPress Themes and Plugins that I write (or review) and found I simply could … ∞
Happy Thanksgiving for all those feasting and celebrating today. Enjoy!
Although I was quick to jump on the Klout wagon when I first came across it, this is just a quick note more than anything else about my just as quick decision to stop using the service. I would expect no one should see any more unsolicited tweets et al. to use the service from … ∞
Although it started more as a “Mallory-Everest” idea, I just submitted to the WordPress Extend Plugins repository the “BNS Theme Add-Ins” plugin. My 11th submission! It is a collection of functions and code that can be used to extend the capabilities of WordPress Parent-Themes and Child-Themes. Current functions: * Add BNS Extra Theme Headers * … ∞