If all you want to do is make money, don’t be surprised if you end up with exactly that; sad too, when life has so much more to offer.
Image Title: The Return of 12-Strings |
Image Caption: The Return of 12-Strings |
Image Description: Two of my favorite things, my guitars ... taken for the Selfy Sunday 2012 September 30 Google+ Event. |
I often describe things as Mallory-Everest, and along those same lines I also use the descriptor Macy’s-Gimbels. Feel free to follow the link back to my explanation of Mallory-Everest … or continue reading to better understand what I am referring to when I say something is Macy’s-Gimbels. This all started after my umpteenth watching of … ∞
The core developers of WordPress have decided today would be the release date for version 3.5 beta … that being the case it’s time to show “I Drink The Kool-Aid” and start running the “latest” version of WordPress. If you would like to show your support for the continued improvement and updates to WordPress feel … ∞
Multitasking is one of the worst ideas ever to be conceived … do one thing at a time; do it well; do it right; then, move on. Perhaps the above is overly simplified, but the idea behind it is really simple. Trying to do more than one thing at a time is simply asking to … ∞
If all you want to do is make money, don’t be surprised if you end up with exactly that; sad too, when life has so much more to offer.
It seems I have been stumbling through another writer’s block, again … and I love to write. I’ve often thought about, and even talked with others about, writing a book. Well, as fate would have it, I am in the initial stages of doing exactly that. Although the book in question is being described as … ∞