Coffee, Tea, or Keurig
I enjoy a good cup of coffee as much as I enjoy a good cup of tea. I also appreciate convenience and quality, too. You may be asking yourself why am I writing this? In a word: Keurig.
What is Keurig?
It’s how we see the world. It’s how we work. It’s how we relax. It’s how we wake up. It’s how we power down. Welcome to Keurig. For coffee, tea, hot cocoa and iced beverages, the world has discovered Keurig and it’s how you brew. With over 200 varieties to choose from, it’s always easy to find the right one-for you.
from the website
My wife recently put in a great deal of time, energy, and extra hours at her work to help with one of their charity drives. One particular event this time was tea and coffee service brought to everyone’s desk. They used a Tassimo machine to brew the coffee and teas they served. As she was telling me about her day we started talking about the various “coffee machines” that use this “cup” system. That was about a week and a half ago.
After some online research and some personal opinions we started to seriously look at the Keurig brewers. The brewer and K-Cups are competitively priced but the true deciding factor was simply the abundant brands (read: choice of flavors) that support the system.
Friday night we went shopping. It had been a long week and a little retail therapy was in order. We decided on the Cuisinart Brewing System and as fate would have it our old drip coffee maker needed to be replaced after its six years of nearly daily use. The warming element had just recently became exposed, which I only noticed as I was cleaning it for storage. The timing was just right.
Now, it’s time for my morning coffee but I have a serious dilemma: what flavor do I brew next?
Automattic = dot-wp?
Yesterday this post was made by Matt Mullenweg regarding the recent accreditation of Automattic as a domain registrar.
I think this leads to a real possibility of dot-wp top level domains (TLD)! As I have recently fallen to the little known affliction of IDA I am quite concerned that this may create a unscratchable itch?! Will this create a digital land-rush for .wp domains?
There is also the potential for a dot-blog TLD that may be more appealing to the Internet in general. As it is, for more general details regarding the creation of a new TLD, head over to ICANN and read this article
Are You Ready?
Do you stockpile posts? Do you have an idea file that you pick and choose from to write just the right post at just the right time? I rarely do, but sometimes an idea just needs to be kept aside for just the right occasion. Hopefully soon a post I wrote will leave the draft status to live as published … and to add to this mystery: expect it to appear on another site.
Normally I post stream of conscious writings here and will likely keep that style. I find it very freeing to just simply write whatever comes to mind. I write. I edit. I write some more. I edit more … sometimes I stumble, sometimes my fingers dance across the keyboard. I still find it completely amazing how well my touch-typing skills have improved over the last few years of blogging, writing, and coding.
Of course, on other sites I often write with a planned idea in mind. Some of these posts are often written over a number of days. Typically I will think of an idea; consider how I want to convey the topic at hand; then, begin writing. I tend to save these posts as a drafts for a day or so but eventually after several re-reads and usually an edit or two more these posts are published as well. Feel free to stop by my other sites to read them.
Downey’s Farm Market
Time Flies
I cannot believe it has been 10 days since I last made a new post here. I do not even have the excuse of being busy posting on my other sites although there have been a few posts made.
I wrote about the lastest release of one of my plugins, BNS Featured Tag version 1.8.1 on October 3, 2010. It was more or less my standard announcement post when I release a new version of a plugin.
A few days later, I wrote about the latest version of Ground Floor, 1.6, on October 6. Again, a simple announcement post for one of my free WordPress Themes.
The following day I posted an article at under my nom de plume for that blog of The Doctor. The gyst of the article was how to Extend the WordPress Menu, referring to adding content to the wp_nav_menu() function output. I started writing the post on October 6 and published it on October 7 as I found it a bit more involved to explain the technique for everyday use after it had been sorted out.
Yesterday, October 12, I wrote a post for the just opened domain I registered the domain a little while ago for any potential uses the WordPress Theme Review Team (WPTRT) may need that were not readily available. The post itself was a summary of the First Meeting the WPTRT held on October 9, 2010 (via IRC).
It seems I have been busy doing a great many things I enjoy over the past 10 days which proves the old adage:
time flies when you’re having fun!
It never ceases to amaze me how people can believe being antagonistic will actually improve any given situation unless their goal is to make the process more arduous for themselves before their commentary was made.
Of course there are individuals that do prefer to challenge themselves by purposely creating barriers for going forward but it just seems much more sensible to try to communicate in a more cordial manner than behaving as though the rules should not apply to them in the first place.
C’est la vie.
WPTRT Permission Sets
Another new development with the WordPress Theme Review Team (WPTRT) is the additional responsibility of managing the Theme Trac system. Below are the basic permission sets, with links to the Trac wiki for additional details. Currently there are four basic sets in the following top-down order:
- reviewer-manager
- reviewers
TICKET_CREATE – Create new tickets
(also allows for the re-opening of tickets)
TICKET_MODIFY – Includes both TICKET_APPEND and TICKET_CHGPROP, and in addition allows resolving tickets. Tickets can be assigned to users through a drop-down list when the list of possible owners has been restricted.
- authenticated
- anonymous
MILESTONE_VIEW – View milestones and assign tickets to milestones.
REPORT_SQL_VIEW – View the underlying SQL query of a report
REPORT_VIEW – View reports, i.e. the "view tickets" link.
ROADMAP_VIEW – View the roadmap page, is not (yet) the same as MILESTONE_VIEW, see #4292
SEARCH_VIEW – View and execute search queries
TICKET_VIEW – View existing tickets and perform ticket queries
TIMELINE_VIEW – View the timeline page
WIKI_VIEW – View existing wiki pages
Repository Browser – ALL Views
BROWSER_VIEW – View directory listings in the repository browser
CHANGESET_VIEW – View repository check-ins
FILE_VIEW – View files in the repository browser
LOG_VIEW – View revision logs of files and directories in the repository browser
The above permissions are based on a standard installation of Trac with the addition of the user groups: reviewer-manager and reviewers. The reviewer-manage group consists of Simon Prosser and myself. The reviewers group will consist of those users who have been actively participating in Theme reviews and consistently following the Theme Review page guidelines and standards as the basis for their review comments.
The authenticated group is all users who are logged in. To log in just use your username and password. This is essentially the default group and will allow logged in users to make comments on tickets. This provides authors and other interested individuals the ability to use the Trac system to communicate their concerns, questions, or complaints in regards to their relevant ticket(s). This will also allow for new users to become involved with the Theme Review Team as well. Although this group does not have permission to resolve tickets they are more than able to do a full review and participate in the process.
The anonymous group simply allows for all the relevant viewing permissions so you can look around and read without having to log in.
As an aside, I developed the above list with the help of the Mindmap software Freeplane, if you are interested in a copy of the mindmap download this file. (You may have to right-click and Save Link As … with a .mm extension.)